Over time, we have developed various tools to support and better structure the creation of our 3D configurators. At the core of our work is our 3D render engine, redCore, which highlights our customers' products in the best possible light. Our State Engine ensures that a valid product state is always delivered by being aware of all configuration options and constraints. Based on the State Engine's specifications, our Construction Engine reconstructs the product and positions all components correctly. To deliver the best quality consistently, our Performance Monitoring oversees the overall device workload and adjusts quality accordingly. Finally, the redCloudService enables the export of various product formats beyond the configurators’ boundaries.

State Engine
Unsere State Engine garantiert zu jeder Zeit, dass ein valider Zustand des Produktes ausgeliefert wird. Hierfür kennt sie das Produkt samt aller Konfigurationsoptionen und -restriktionen, sowie deren Abhängigkeiten. Jede Anpassung am Produkt durchläuft vorerst die State Engine, die dann immer nur die aktuell verfügbaren Optionen ausliefert und Dir so ein sicheres und frustfreies Konfigurieren ermöglicht.

Construction Engine
Our Construction Engine implements the 3D reconstruction of the product based on and within the guidelines of the State Engine, placing all components in their correct positions. To do so, it is familiar with the complete blueprint and every single component of the product, as well as all possible ways these components can be connected.

Performance Monitor
While the performance of PCs, tablets, and smartphones continually improves, application demands on these devices increase at the same rate. Our 3D configurators must share performance resources with many other demanding applications. To adapt, our Performance Monitoring dynamically adjusts the quality of the 3D configurator to match the current performance of the device.

Cloud Service
Our configurators typically provide billions of valid configurations. It would be a shame if these couldn’t be utilized elsewhere. Our redCloudService generates various formats of our configurations on demand, making them available, for example, as AR models.

2011 haben wir redPlant ins Leben gerufen, um 3D Inhalte aus ihren Grenzen zu befreien und in die Welten des Webs zu katapultieren. So entstand auch redCore, unsere 3D Renderengine, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der Webwelten und 3D Produktkonfiguratoren ausgerichtet ist und stetig von uns weiterentwickelt wird, um stets die beste visuelle Qualität aus den Möglichkeiten der Webbrowser herauszuholen.