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  • e-Learning
  • web application

The faculty of medicine at the University of Ulm makes use of diverse e-learning solutions in the education of students and prospective doctors. After a successful cooperation in the implementation of the eMed app, the faculty of medicine again commissioned redPlant for the development of the e-learning application, MDecide, which students can use to solve patient cases strategically and dynamically.

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Study on the move

No matter where you are, MDecide always accompanies you. Thanks to its responsive design, students can solve cases in front of a desktop PC as well as on smartphones or tablets while on the go.

Students & Co.

With the single sign-on system Shibboleth, students and employees of the university of Ulm can log in to MDecide with their university account. No other log ins are needed. Additionally, several authentication parameters are recalled, ensuring that the student is authorised to access MDecide.

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Choosing the area of studies

Neurology, endodontology or cariology? Cases are sorted by medical disciplines so that the student is not overwhelmed with the abundance of cases. These are displayed in clearly organised tiles.

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Safety First

If the user is a student or employee of the medical faculty, all cases are technically accessible. If some cases are not meant to be seen by the general public or must be tested before release, they can be secured with a password.

Various measures

To work out a case, the student is offered a multitude of measures. The student chooses from a big variety of possibilities such as anamnesis, establishing a diagnosis or differential diagnosis as well as prescription of medication, therapy and much more; everything that might assist in solving the individual patient’s case.

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The right strategy

All cases that are available for the student are clearly displayed. They must decide strategically which actions and in what order they should be executed. The chosen measures are automatically transferred to the medical findings folder with corresponding feedback. This way, the progression of the treatment is well documented.

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Every measure is unique

Every medical measure has its specific didactic background and was conceived and planned in detail with the initiators of MDecide. During the implementation, the didactics were specifically noted regarding every single measure in relation to procedure, visual display and feedback for the student.

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The student not only receives feedback from the application itself for the measures taken but is also encouraged to establish a diagnosis on CT-, MRI or radiographs and transfer them to the medical findings folder.

The journey is its own reward

As soon as the student is satisfied with the result of their own case, they may close the case and automatically begin an evaluation process. Dynamic evaluation criteria can be set by the author of the case, as well as fixed elements such as the analysis of the most common working and differential diagnoses.

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Back to the roots

Paper is patient. If the students prefer not to compare their medical findings folders in a digital format, they can download their entire folders as PDF and print them.

Behind the scenes

The editorial maintenance of data takes place through an easy-to-use CMS. The authors can enter data such as text, pictures, videos and sound information to their cases and create the necessary measures. Some measures rely on predefined lists and structures, others can be entered individually.


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Data sheet

The individually-created medical findings folder can be exported as PDF at any time.

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Content Management

Content can be entered plain and simple via the content management system SilverStripe.

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Students can log-in with their university accounts thanks to Shibboleth authentication.

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Responsive Design

The e-learning tool is available on all common browsers and devices.